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Is Your Gas Cap Missing?

With the hot summer weather soon here I want to share with you a summer time gas saving tip. It’s one of the tips you can get for free in our email cource on saving gas

I must admit that before I started researching fuel economy I had no idea that driving without a gas cap would make any significant difference to my fuel economy,

But it does!

Loosing your gas cap and not replacing it can cost you up to 15 gallons of gas a year, and even more if you live in a hot climate.

With no lid on the gas tank fuel will constantly evaporate from the tank into the air.

Poof, gone…

Not only will you loose fuel but the extra gas added to the atmosphere will contribute to the greenhouse effect.

If you loose our gas cap, immediately go buy a new one from your car dealer or local mechanic. You will pay less for the new cap than for all the fuel you loose without a cap.

This technique may give you savings of 3 mpg or more depending on how hot and dry the climate is around you and if you have an additional lid on top of the missing gas cap that prevents some of the leakage.

Dedicated to improving you fuel economy,

Simon Byholm

P.S. To find out your real MPG just use our free gas calculator, or try the metric mileage calculator if you’re from outside the United States.

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